Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Is There a Ghost Behind Me?

The facilitator chooses one or more participants to be ghosts (depending on the amount of participants and how quickly the game needs to go) while all the remaining players spread out around the room and close their eyes. The ghost, or ghosts, quietly creep around the room and try to stand behind the players with their eyes closed without being detected. Once they have chosen a "victim" they must stand within arms reach of them, the facilitator counts to five with their fingers so no one can hear and the ghosts tap their "victims" on the shoulder. That person is dead and must sit down. If a player with their eyes closed suspects that a ghost is standing behind them, they may ask "Is there a ghost behind me?" The facilitator informs them if there is or not and if they are right the ghost sits down and they become the new ghost. If they are wrong they sit down and are out. The game continues till only one person is left.

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